Basic Firelighting + Cooking

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Basic building and lighting a fire then cooking some simple food around the fire


Require Fire Steels, Fire Piston, Feather/Fuzz Sticks, Tinder, Firewood, Matches, Lighters, Foil Trays etc.

Simple food like cocktail sausages and marshmallows with digestives for Smores. Plus Long skewers


In sixes, build and light the fires under supervision from leaders / young leaders. Sixer gets to light the fire once it is ready.

When fire has died down, cubs can cook food around the fire.


  • cooking
  • cooking on fire
  • fire lighting
  • firelighting

Badge Links

  • Backwoods Cooking - Prepare fire
  • Backwoods Cooking - Stick
  • Outdoors - Cook