Dodge Ball

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The Children Have To Dodge The Ball


1 Soft Ball Per Leader
A Out Zone Which Is A Place The Kids Can Sit In Without Getting Ran Into


Leaders Are On And Are Armed With A Soft Ball.
Their Objective Is To Hit The Children Below The Knees With the Soft Ball.
The Children Have To Run Around And Dodge The Ball.
Once A Child Is Hit With The Ball They Sit In The Out Zone.

You Can Play this In 2 Ways:
1. Once The Child Is Out, They Sit In The Out Zone Untill The End Of The Game Which Is When All The Children Are In The Out Zone.
2. Once The Child Is Out, They Sit In The Out Zone Untill Either The Game Finishes Or The Ball Enters The Out Zone, If The Ball Enters The Out Zone Everyone Who Is In The Out Zone Is Allowed Out And Allowed To Carry On Playing the Game.


  • ball
  • Dodgeball
  • game

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  • Health and Fitness - Agility
  • Physical Recreation - Preparations
  • Physical Recreation - Rules
  • Physical Recreation - Take part
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  • World - Foreign game