PLs run troop night - gulp!
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Patrol leaders to organise the whole evening, including ceremonies
PLs, Scouts, Leaders
Allow the PLs ample time to organise a troop evening.
Ensure the activities the PLs have planned to run are suitable and they have risk assessed them if necessary. This will also hopefully allow them to ask for any special items they need purchasing instead of the 6pm text requesting a moon on a stick.
Leaders to assume the role of PLs and APLs (depending on how big the troop is and how many leaders/YLs you have) as soon as the PLs arrive.
Decide beforehand if the Leaders will be model PLs or if they should try to replicate the current PLs in the troop i.e. if you have lazy toad PLs who do not control their patrol very well will you copy them or rule their patrol with an iron fist?
Let the choas commence ;)
Give the PLs time to evaluate the evening afterwards.
- pl
- troop night
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