Astronomy night (Cubs)

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Astronomer visit


Astronomer, telescopes, binoculars
Clear sky & low level of light pollution.


Ask Astronomer to:
- introduce Cubs to the night sky
- demonstrate how to use the equipment
- show most prominent constellations in the night's sky
- show & discuss features of the moon
- teach how to locate North star (Leader to add how to navigate using this star)
- teach difference between a plant & a star
- teach information about planets, comets, solar eclipses, northern lights, black holes, the moon etc. as explained in badge requirement. (Test/present is separate activity needed for the badge)

For the Next Week:
Needs separate activity to build/draw the solar system & present/test Cub knowledge learnt in last point above;
- Set the Cubs the task of researching their areas the week before the presentations.
- Allow the Cubs some time to collate the information that they have managed to gather.
- Ask the Cubs to present their work to the rest of the pack.

E.g. We gave each group one technology themed topic. e.g. Rockets, Satellites, Telescopes, etc... and one more general space topic. e.g. Planets, Stars, Comets, Asteroids, etc...



Badge Links

  • Astronomer - Identification
  • Astronomer - Moon
  • Astronomer - Planet vs star