IGG Interest Badge Ladybird Healthy Mind

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Leaders Introduction




Ladybird Healthy Mind Self Esteem is very important for everyone. It has been shown that people with good self -esteem are less likely to give into peer pressure to make wrong health choices such as smoking.

We live in a very competitive world. It is very easy for children to lose confidence in themselves because they are not the best at doing some particular thing. Leaders can help build self-confidence by emphasising the good qualities of the child and by never saying anything negative about a child. When playing games Leaders should try to give as much praise to the losers for trying their best as to the winners. By having a very varied programme you can give the girls the opportunity to try lots of different activities. By getting an older child to help a younger one learn something new, you will build up the self-esteem of both children.

Everyone, including children, faces stress in their lives. In small doses, stress can be good because it may motivate you to be more productive. It can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or anxious. Children can have under-developed communication skills and may exhibit stress differently than an adult does. Often girls’ stress can manifest in physical symptoms such as headache, stomach ache, and even nausea.

IGG provides a place for girls to be themselves in a relaxed non-competitive environment.

Learning stress management techniques early on can be very helpful.

Eating well, getting enough exercise and sleep help children manage stress.

Games for stress relief let the girls work off stress while having fun is another good stress reliever!


  • Healthy mind
  • IGG
  • Interest Badge
  • leaders Introduction

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