C2-9 Global Issues
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Aim: As the United Kingdom grows ever more diverse, each of our lives becomes more connected to those from other parts of the world. Helping children to understand more about the world that they live in helps them to gain a better understanding of their place in the world and where they fit in relation to others. This will help them to get an idea of the global community, their impact on it and how they can make positive steps to play their part in the wider world. Introduction: Teaching children about other countries does not just involve looking at those who are the poorest Every country has wealth, poverty and rich cultures that are new and interesting to children. It is good to show children this and help them to understand the diversity. Taken from the BB Anchors Pro Pack community C-2-9
Map of the world
Get a selection of items that are from different countries
• Food stuff
• Clothes
• Plates
• Toys
• Atlas/Globe/Map of the world
• Pictures/illustrations
Activity 1 - Links To The World
Aim: To look at our links with other countries and the reasons for these. This will also help the children find out more about each other.
• Tell the children that you are going to see how everyone is linked to other countries and people across the world.
• Tell them that it will be easier then they think and that they will have more linked than they can imagine.
• Start by saying, ‘I am linked to the world because add your own link. This can include things like places you have been, family members who live in other countries, places you may have lived, food that you love to eat etc etc.
• There may be some children that are linked to other countries because they speak more than one language.
• You can play the game by saying your link and the next person says your link and then adds their link. So, ‘Peter is linked to the world because he speaks Italian, I am linked to the world because I went on holiday to America etc.
You may need to prompt any who cannot remember what the children before have said.
Activity 2 - School v Work
Aim: To look at the privilege of school and to look at children who cannot get an education but must work to support their family, sometimes in dangerous circumstances.
• Ask the children the following questions:
• What age do children go to school in the UK?
• How old were you when you started school?
• Do you think that every child goes to school?
• Should every child everywhere go to school and learn?
• Would you rather work or learn?
• Now tell the children that in some countries around the world children don’t get the opportunity to go to school. They come from very poor families and they need to work help
upset by this subject pay the bills and to buy food. Sometimes these children have to work when they are very young and they may have to work all day for not very much money.
• Move on by asking the children if they think they will be able to get a better job or if they would be able to do a certain job if they did not go to school? You could develop this by asking all the children to think about what they might like to do when they do leave school.
• For those children who never go to school — they don’t really get to choose what they want to be. Because they don’t go to school they don’t learn to read or write and there are some jobs you cannot do without being able to read or write, etc. (It is estimated that 126 million work in the worst forms of child labour-one in every 12 of the world’s 5-17-year-olds. www.antislavery.org). So these children have to do work that is not paid very well or skilled and they can often be treated badly and have to work in bad conditions (you could do some research to find out some examples of child labour).
• Ask the children if they think this situation is fair and if there is anything which they can do about it? There are lots of charities with people trying to help children go to school and learn so that they can make choices when they grow up. But what we must remember is that school is very important for all of you, school helps you to learn to read and write and helps you to get a job when you are older.
• You could get the children involved by working with a charity/organisation, you could do some research to find out more and see how the group could help.
Activity 3 - Where Am I From /
Aim: To think about where we are each from and to look at a range of items and see where they are from.
If possible get some background from each country and have a map handy to show the children where each place is.
• Have the children tell you where they are from. Comment on the wide range of countries or of the similarities that they are all from the same place.
• Show the children a map and point out where they are from on it. This can be a poster, a globe or from an atlas, The bigger the better.
• Then pick up an item from your bag and ask the children to have a guess where it comes from. For example:
• a bag of rice — origin India — where rice is grown on terraced hills and needs lots of water.
• a shirt from China — made of cotton. Cotton is grown and produced into clothes in China and is cheap to make there.
• a banana may come from Costa Rica because there are large banana plantations where the sun shines most of the time and where bananas grow very well.
• Ask the children how they think all these come to us in the UK? Most of them come by ship in big containers and sometimes things come by plane but mostly they travel by sea which can take a few weeks to get here.
• Show the children some things made in the UK. Some vegetables and perhaps some china. This will help them to see that we do make things in this country. Tell them that it is good to buy things which are made here because they don’t have to be put on a ship and travel thousands of miles to get here.
• Encourage the children to look at where their things come from over the next week. Get them to come back next week with two things that they have identified where they were made.
Devotion Links:
Jesus teaches in Matthew 25 that our commitment to him can be seen in how we treat other people around us, especially the people who do not have as much as we have or who have been rejected by others. If we say we love Jesus but don’t show love to people in need, how much do we really love Jesus?
Matthew 25:34-40
Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me,! was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
• “Then the righteous will answer him. ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
• “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Foe full details see BB Anchors Pro Pack C2-9
- anchors
- community
- education
- global issue
- Global issues
- Work Day
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