M2-3 Logic Games
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Aim: To encourage the children to use their logic to work out answers. To be able to distinguish between tact and conjecture or cause and effect. Taken from the BB Anchors Pro Pack M-2-3
Activity 1
• Growing Up template
• Scissors
• Glue
Activity 2
• Hot’ and cold’ templates
• Hot or cold land cards (one set per group)
• A handkerchief/tissue
Activity 3
• Spot The Lid templates
• Scissors
• Glue
• Pens
Activity 1 - Growing Up
Aim: To be able to sequence events in nature.
Explain to the group that everywhere in nature plants/animals grow as they get older and often what they look like changes quite substantially.
The children might want to work in pairs for this activity.
• Ask them to cut out the pictures from the worksheet
• Then ask them to work out which pictures show the same animal/plant at different stages in their life. There are 5 different species all in all.
• Finally they need to work out in which order the pictures should come — from youngest to eldest.
• As an extension they could add their own drawings in the last row. They could add another animal or a drawing of themselves as a baby, now, and what they think they will look like as an adult.
Some children might need some help with working out which pictures show the same animal. After they have completed them ask them: Which animal changes the most/the east?
Extensions Tasks/Adaptations:
Play it as a card game: Print off several copies of the picture sheet and cut out the pictures. The children sit in a circle and you put the cards in the middle, face down. The children take turns in picking up a card and keep hold of it The first child to have all three of one animal/plant wins. This could be done as a follow up once the worksheet has been completed and discussed.
Activity 2 - Hot or Not ?
• To be able to conclude the geographical origin of an item by looking at a picture of it
• To use deductive and categorisation skills.
• To be able to express a convincing argument to justify their choice.
For the team challenge; attach the hot and cold signs to a chair each.
The main aim of this game is to sort a set of pictures into whether the items in it come from or are more associated with a hot or cold country.
• Ask the children to sit in a circle.
• Put the hot and cold sign in the middle.
• Have the picture cards face down in the middle of the circle.
• Ask one child to turn their back to the rest of the group. Explain that this child has been to a cold country and has caught a cold.
• Pass the handkerchief round the circle.
• The child with their back turned says achoo. Whichever child holds the handkerchief at this point gets to pick up a card from the pack in the middle.
• This child (maybe with help from the group) needs to now decide whether to put this picture underneath the ‘hot country or ‘cold country sign. Ask them to explain their choice. This is important as some pictures might go in either place e.g. sunglasses would be needed in hot countries, but are also often worn when going skiing.
• Then the handkerchief gets passed around again until the child ‘with the cold’ says ‘achoo’.
You might want to change the ‘child with the cold’ frequently to give other people a go.
Extension Tasks/Adaptations:
To make the game more competitive, you can play this as a team challenge. For this you would need one set of the pictures enlarged to A4 and ideally printed onto card or laminated.
• Split the group into two teams and ask them to line up as if for a relay.
• At the other hand of the room put two chairs — one with a hot sign attached to its backrest the other with a cold’ sign.
• Hold up one of the pictures, and the two children at the front of the team, need to run and sit on the right chair for this picture. Again ask them to explain their choice. The team of the child who sits on the right chair first gets one point.
• The children return to their team, joining the line at the end.
• You hold up the next sign, again the first two children run etc. until all pictures are used up.
• Count the points to work out who has won.
• You may want to give additional points if a child can think of a good reason for being on the wrong” chair.
Activity 3 - Spot The Lie !
• To listen to/read statements carefully
• To distinguish between fact and conjecture/false statement
You might want to ask the children to work in pairs for this activity.
• Ask the children to cut out the speech bubbles.
• Ask them to read the speech bubbles carefully (they might need help with this) and work out which picture they go with.
• Ask them to put the speech bubble with the picture, but not to glue it yet
• When they are confident that they have assigned all the statements to the right picture (you may want to check this) ask them to work out whether the statements is true or false. Ask them to put it into the correct box next to the picture (true/false).
• Ask them to glue the speech bubbles onto the worksheet
Extension Tasks/Adaptations:
When they have completed the worksheet, ask them to till in the missing boxes. Where there was a true statement such as -Elephants are always bigger than mice” ask them to make up a false statement to go with the pictures such as ‘all elephants have blue tails”. Where there was a false statements ask them to come up with a true statement and write it in the appropriate box.
Devotion Links:
• Hot or not Game”. We all have certain knowledge about other countries or maybe countries where we have been on holiday. What countries have some of the children been to? What can they tell you about the country? Tell the story of the Israelites 40 year long journey through the desert Explain how they did not know where they were going and had to trust God, Tell the story of Caleb and the spies that were sent to explore the land (Numbers 13-14).
• "Spot the lie”. Tell the story of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 27) and talk about how Isaac tried to use his logic to tell lie from truth and how he was betrayed.
For full details see the BB Anchors Pro Pack M2-3
- anchors
- logic
- logical
- logical thinking
- mind
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