Lego World Membership Badge

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Who doesn't like Lego? An activity to make the World Membership Badge out of Lego.

My heartfelt thanks go to who supplied the photo.

The time quoted is for Cubs to just build it without frills or thrills using pre-sorted bricks. Add time if they need to find their own bricks


To make the lego model exactly as it appears in the picture you will need:
1 lego base board minimum 25 spots by 28 spots and the following lego bricks:
1 x 1 = 18
1 x 2 = 22
1 x 3 = 17
1 x 4 = 18
1 x 6 = 2

It looks best if all the bricks are the same colour but they do not need to be.


You could do all sorts with this...
...make it a relay with the young people running up to collect one brick at a time
...make it a speed challenge
...use it as a nice quiet activity to fill a spare few minutes
...give it to new children so they get more familiar with the world badge
...use it as a communication challenge with one person telling (not showing) another where to put the bricks


  • lego
  • lego models
  • Membership Award
  • Membership badge

Badge Links

  • Artist - Model
  • Creative - Construction
  • Membership - Badge Meaning
  • Skills - Creative
  • Skills - Creative activity
  • Teamwork - Team game