Entrepreneur Challenge - Scoutadelic Badge - Review

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This activity is linked to achieving the Entrepreneur Badge from Scoutadelic. This activity around the last part of the badge - Talk about what worked well and what didn’t and if the business continued, what could they change, if anything.

This will only make sense if you have used/read the first part of the activity called 'Entrepreneur Challenge - Scoutadelic Badge - Idea & Budget'

While I'm writing it aimed at Explorers you can easily change it for any age group, the badge isn't age specific.

Once you have run this you can buy your badges here: https://scoutadelic.com/new_site/shop/entrepreneur-badge/?fbclid=IwAR0wRQ4z3_TCmNMeX6pURmv_NwNJ--t2OvZCvDpU4YvvPQuqx-cLkX_mTUw


Pens, paper, and anything else you can think of that will help. For example computers with internet access.


Once your activities have been done and all the money is in and counted it is time to review what they have done. This can be run all in one night or you can do it over two to allow them more time to prepare whatever suits your young people best.

Each group will need to sit done and look at the following questions:
What went well
What didn't go so well
If we did it again how could we make it better?

Get the team leader to run this discussion and make notes on their answers.

Using this as a base, each team now has to create an interactive presentation about what they have done for the challenge and how it went. The important part is that it has to be interactive, no death by powerpoint! Each presentation needs to be a minimum of 5 mins long and a max of 10mins. They may wish to use interactive software like kahoot! or mentimeter but it doesn't have to be digital whatever works for them.

If you did the fundraising for a charity you could think about inviting them to the presentations to show them how they have raised money for them.


  • Entrepreneur
  • Entrepreneur badge
  • review activity

Badge Links

  • Fundraising - Presentation