Cub/Scout Compass Game

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The aim is to try to make learning the compass points, bearings and paces in a fun way.

Mix of games and instruction.


Compasses, blindfold (i.e. necker)


Start with a game (North, South, East, West)
(full instruction can be found here:

Basic compass skills:
Teach the Scouts how to:
- take a bearing
- follow a bearing
- Measure paces

Compass Assault Course
- Two "lanes", 4 teams
- Chairs at odd angles form an "assault" course
- Team/Six/Patrol works out the compass bearings + paces to get from one side to the other
- Blind fold the leader of the group, the person at the back has the instructions
- No shouting; they have to whisper from the back to the front on the directions
- They will also have to avoid incoming teams from the other side(s)


  • cardinal points
  • compass
  • compass bearings indoor
  • Compass skills
  • compass work

Badge Links

  • Navigator - 4 compass points
  • Navigator - Bearings
  • Navigator - Equipment