Ice Skating - no ice

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A fun activity to be used at an indoor winter sports evening


Large, thick socks that will fit over shoes/trainers, at least one pair per team (2 pairs will make the change over easier)
A series of obstacles they have to navigate
4 teams


Run as a relay race so make sure teams have equal numbers or someone is designated to go twice where a team is a member short..
Teams line up at the start of the obstacle course.
On go they must put on the socks over their shoes and skate (feet do not leave the floor) with long sliding steps around the obstacles on the course and back to the next member of the team.
If you are using 2 pairs of socks the next team member may start to put on their socks as soon as they are tagged by the previous player. If only one pair is used then the returning player must take their socks off and pass them to the next player who puts them on and navigates the obstacle course. If two pairs are used the returning player removes the socks and passes them to the player who will have the next go.
Race complete when all players have had a go and the team is sitting in a line - nice and quiet.



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  • Teamwork - Team game