Photography badge (Knowledge & techniques and photos)

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The tasks have been compiled together to meet the badge requirements for the 'Photography Badge'. Please read the instructions to complete the three tasks and upload your evidence for your leaders to review.


A digital camera or mobile phone with a camera, Task 2 worksheet - can be edited in Microsoft Word and then uploaded for evidence. Free editing apps or software, internet or Argos catalogue or similar for research on photography equipment.


> TASK 1 - Produce 12 photographs, featuring at least two of these photographic techniques: portrait, macro, landscape, sport or action, or timelapse. Save them to a Powerpoint document/photo board and label which different camera shots you have captured, describe why you like the images. Pick some of your images to edit and explain what changes you have made and why. There are lots of free apps you can download for editing photographs. (Upload your photos and edits via the badges at home parent portal)

> TASK 2 - Fill in the worksheet to show that you know the main settings on a digital camera or a smartphone camera. You may use the internet to research. (Upload your completed worksheet to the parent portal)

> TASK 3 - Describe what accessories are available to use with digital cameras or smartphone cameras. Have a look in brochures, do you have an Argos catalogue at home, lookup Camera accessories and list some you think would be good and why. Alternatively have a look on the web, sites like or (Write or type up and upload via the parent portal)


  • photography badge

Badge Links

  • Photographer - Accessories
  • Photographer - Care
  • Photographer - Edit
  • Photographer - Faults
  • Photographer - Knowledge
  • Photographer - Photos