Makaton Colours - Scavenger Hunt Bingo
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A Scavenger hunt linked with a game of Bingo using Makaton.
- Knowledge of Makaton Colour. Good video to learn
Young People
- sheet of paper and something to write with.
- ability to move around the house
Send instructions out in advance that the young people will need a piece of paper and something to write with and the ability to move around the house.
On the night over zoom:
1/ Teach the young people a range of Makaton colours (either yourself or useing video link above)
2/ Ask the young people to fold a piece of paper into 4 (once horizontally and once vertically.
3/ Unfold and ask the young people to write/mark a colour on each section.
4/ Explain rules that that they will be playing scavenger hunt bingo. The first one back with all 4 will sign house (ie Bingo)
5/ Ask all members to go on mute for the activity.
6/ Sign clearly into camera a colour - the Cubs if they have that colour on their cards will then go and collect an item of that colour.
7/ Leader to wait until all members back before giving next colour.
8/ First back to sign House - there may be more than one.
9/ Those with all 4 will be asked to sign the colours back to the leaders as a double check.
10/ All to come off mute for a discussion on how the activity went, how they felt not being able to hear the leader.
You could finish off with a Singing and Signing 'I can Sing a RAinbow' - various options on youtube for you to chose a preferred option.
The activity can be adapted for different age groups
- Made Easier for young members with just a scavenger hunt
- Made Harder for older members with an object being scavenger rather than an item of colour.
- Could also use household items/ items of food / feelings as a variation.
- bingo
- Disability Awareness
- Makaton
- scavenger Hunt
- Virtual Scouting
- Zoom meeting
Badge Links
- Communicator - Disabilities
- Disability Awareness - Sign language
- Skills - Problem solving