Healthy eating coconut shy

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Draw on paper plates to make targets, and then set them up as a coconut shy. We use this for Beavers Skills Challenge/ 'healthy eating' but it's basically a selection game in which you have to hit the plates that show right answers. So you could use it for other activities too.


Paper plates - 1 per Beaver, some spares
balls or beanbags for throwing
Some way of resting the plates upright (e.g. prop them up against something, or we wedge ours in the crack between two folding tables)


Say we need to think about healthy eating as part of earning Skills Challenge badge

Sometimes people talk about ‘good and bad foods’ – have B’s (Beavers) heard about this? Can they suggest examples? Is just ‘good’ and ‘bad’ too simple?

For the game we’re going to play, we’ll say there are three types of food:
• ‘Green’ – things that should be most of what we eat: starches such as potatoes, bread, rice, pasta; and also fruit & vegetables
• ‘Amber’ – foods that top up our proteins, such as meat, fish, eggs, pulses
• ‘Red’ – foods that contain a lot of fat, salt or sugar, so it’s best not to eat them too much (cake, crisps, sweets)
[This is a simplified version of the 'food pyramid', which the Beavers may have seen]

Show paper plates "I made earlier" with examples.

Lodges to work around tables each drawing a picture of any food on one of the plates. Be sure to label it ‘Green’, ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’. (Adult or YL will help if needed). It doesn't matter if the picture of teh food iisn't all that easy to recognise, but the red,amber,green must be clear. In eachr lodge, try to have more green than amber and more amber than red. Bs can do a second plate if time.

Make the coconut shies for each lodge . Wedge the completed plates down the join between 2 tables (or some other way of getting the pates to stand upright as targets, but be easy to knoco over when hit) .

Need at least 6 plates, containing 4 green, 1-2 Amber and some reds.

[We like to get the Bs used to range discipline, ready for archery, axe throwing etc when they 're in older sections! So we...] Make a line behind which Bs must stand to throw balls at the plates. Each lodge lines up behind their firing line.
The B at the front of the line throws 1 ball, trying to knock down a plate. If they miss, run to the back of the line. If they hit a plate, run & collect it. (If hit more than one plate, choose one of them). Next B must wait until the first B is back across the firing line then they throw. Collect plates at the back of the team – first team to shout “six!” because they have 6 plates is the winner.

Have an adult or YL with each team to :
• Maintain safe behaviour in line
• Move Bs on if they throw & then stop to strike a pose
• Police rule that you can’t throw if a teammate is across the firing line
• Look out for cheating such as stepping past the firing line to throw, or collecting more than one plate

When teams have 6 plates ask them whether they have ‘a balanced diet’ (4 green foods, 1-2 ambers, and 0 or 1 red).
If time, play again – this time the winners are the first team to collect ‘a balanced diet (4 green foods, 1-2 ambers, and 0 or 1 red)


  • coconut shy
  • cook badge
  • Drawing
  • Healthy Eating
  • Skills Badge
  • Throwing

Badge Links

  • Cook - Balanced diet
  • Skills - Good & Bad Food
  • Teamwork - Team game