Queenie, Queenie, who's got the ball?

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Queenie, Queenie, who's got the ball

Common Children's Playground Game

Observation Game


1 Soft Spongy Ball


A girl is picked to be "Queenie," and she turns her back on everyone else.
"Queenie" then throws the ball over her shoulder and one of the other players needs to catch it or pick it up.

Everyone, except "Queenie", puts their hands behind their backs so that "Queenie" does not know who has the ball. "Queenie" then turns around and the others shout:

"Queenie, Queenie, who's got the ball?
Is she Big or is she Small?
I haven't Got It (Show your right Hand)
I haven't Got It (Show your left hand)
Queenie, Queenie, Whos' got the Ball?

The "Queenie" has to guess who has the ball through a process of elimination.

If the girl with the ball is the last one to be picked, that girl becomes the new "queenie."

The player must admit to having the ball or will automatically be "out".

The player who is the "Queenie" must not look when throwing the ball or the "Queenie" herself will be "out".


  • queenie

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