Task Master 6th Trow version

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A collection of fun, a bit funny, activities drawing on different types of skills of the scouts (broadly into categories of Intellectual, Active and Skill). They break up into patrols and try to gain points for their team. (recommend equal types of activities from each activity are chosen to reach all types of people).


- Tables and Chairs
- Pens and Paper

- Hockey Puts and Ball
- Cones
- Cup, Teabag, Tape measure

- Tokens, Sets of Number 1 - 4
- Number cards, Rope
- Minimum of 20 bits and bobs

- Bandages / Toilet Paper
- Marshmallows and Spaghetti



Hockey (Patrol - 12 minutes) - 5 Points to winning side
- The goal is to score more goals than your opponents team. Each Patrol is split and the members are all given a number. Then ,over a 10 minute period, to different numbers are called at once and those numbers from either team must rush to grab their puts then shot the ball into the opponents goal. Once a goal is scored, the players return to their teams and 2 new numbers are called. At the end of the 10 minutes, the team with the most goals gets the points.
- Tables, Hockey Puts, Ball

Kicky Ups (3 Players - 3 Minutes) - 1 point
- Do the most Kicky Uppies in a 30 seconds. However, 3 different members of the patrol get to have a go and the final total is the all of those put together. If the ball hits the floor the, the person can start again and add to their total, that one just doesn't count.
- Ball, Space away from Valuables.

Obstacle Course (Patrol - 8 minutes) - 1 point each single race and 2 for the patrol race
- The aim is to win the race. You win the race, you get the points. Each patrol decides their order of running without knowledge of the other patrols orders. Then races take place equal to the number in each patrol +1. First, single person races take place through the obstacle course. Once all the single races take place, a whole patrol race takes place as a rely worth 2 points to the winning side.
- Tables, Chairs, Cones

Plank (Patrol - 5 minutes) - up to 9 points per player
- Each player does the plank for as long as they can (maxing out at 3 minutes). For every 20 seconds that pass, they earn one point for their team

Tea Bag Throw (Patrol - 6 minutes) - 1 point.
- Throw a teabag into a cup from the furthest distance. Each patrol member gets 1 attempts and may decide the distances. If it does not go in at that distance, they lose that throw. After the throw, the cups distance may be readjusted by the next person. Patrol which gets the furthest distance gets the point
- Cup, Teabag, Tape measure, Open Space


Scouting Trivia (Patrol - 10 Minutes) - up to 10 points
- Get the most questions right and keep the most points. Before hand, put together 10 questions about scouts with 4 multiple choice answers (one obviously being correct). Then split the patrols up. Each patrol starts with 10 points. Then the first question is read out with the possible answers. Each patrol can spread out their points between the answers, however only the points on the correct answer go throw to the next round - spreading them between answers means points are more likely to go through but less of them. This repeats for each question. Whatever points are correct on the last question the team gets.
- Tables, Tokens, Sets of the Numbers 1 -4.

Scouts does Count Down (2 Players - 5 minutes) - up to 3 points
- Aim is to do the knot and get as close to goal number with the numbers provided. Each patrol is choses 2 players, a knot tier and calculator. Then - like in the game show countdown - the teams get to pick some numbers (1 - 10 being low numbers then 25,50,75 and 100 as high numbers). Next, a scout leader choses a number from 1 - 1000. A 1 minute timer then begins. The knot tiers ties a given knot (depend on the round) and once the knot is tied, the calculator can start trying to get as close to goal number with whatever is left of the minute. At the end of the minute, the closest team to the goal number win, as long as the knot is tied correctly. (Round 1: Reef knot ; Round 2: Figure of 8 ; Round 3: ) Points go to the winner of the round and each round the team can be swapped.
- Number Cards, Pen and Paper, Rope

Secret Challenge (Patrol - 3 minutes) - points depend
- Tell the groups that over the next two minutes they can achieve points then start a timer. Don't tell the players how to achieve the points though. Decide on word or relatively common action to be what scores points and every time that that word is spoken or added one point to that team. Do keep a running total and make it relatively obvious that you are. If the players can figure how to get the points, the can achieve many, if not they can't. Points can be deduced from the team for aggressive behaviour.

Spot the change (Patrol - 4 minutes) - points equal to items decided to be removed (recommend 5 - 10 with 20 items and scale up with this, never more than 50% removed though)
- Can the Patrols find what is different between two images? A table of at least 20 items is set up. Each patrol gets 1 minute to look at the items and try and memorise them. Then another task takes place. After the next task, some of the items will have been removed from the table. The patrols must try and figure out what has been removed. With each thing correctly figured to have been removed in 1 minute, the team gets 1 point.
- Tables, at least 20 bits and bobs

Team Killer 12 (Patrol - 10 minutes) - 2 points per round.
- Have the last player in be on your team to win the point. The rules for killer 12 are simple. Each person stands in the circle, intervalling from patrol at the start of the game. Someone starts. Each person can say up to 3 consecutive numbers before the next persons turn. Then they have to keep counting up from where it left off. The person who says 12 is out of the game. Then it starts from 1 again and continues round until only one player remains.


Alphabetical Cooking (Patrol - 15 minutes) - 1 point per every 3 unique letters plus 3 bonus points for best dish
- There are 26 letters of the alphabet and do your patrols know a food for each of them? Each team has 8-10 minutes to name a food of each letter of the alphabet (A - Z). Also in this time, they can image a dish using all the foods used they have listed. At the end of the time, read out each letter's food. For every 3 letters they have they gain a point, but a letter does not count if an opponent patrol has the same food for it. Plus, they gain 1 minute to convince the leaders of their dish, best dish gets 3 extra points.
- Pens and Paper

Drawing Roundabout (Patrol - minutes = patrol members) - 3 / 2 / 1 points
- Best team drawing wins. Place each patrol around a table, give them a sheet of paper and a pencil / pen. Then give them a an object to draw, best drawing wins. The catch? Every 30 seconds they must swap their current drawing with the one on the right of them and continue that drawing. Each patrol member should end up having a minute on each drawing. Then, mix them up and a first (3 points), second (2 points) and third (1 point) are chosen.
- Pens, Paper, Table

Mummy-Fy (Patrol - 5 Minutes) - 2 points
- Cover the highest percentage of someone in bandages/toilet paper. The patrol choses one of them to get mummy-fied. Then they are given 3 minutes to wrap as much of that person up in bandages/toilet paper as they can. At the end of the 3 minutes, the person who is the most covered in bandages/toilet paper wins the points.
- Bandages/Toilet Paper

Paper Plane (Patrol - 7 minutes) - 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 points
- The patrols are given 5 minutes and a sheet of paper each and must make an amount of paper planes out of them. At the end of the 5 minutes, all the paper planes are thrown. The furthest plane gets 5 points, second gets 4 and so on (3th = 3 ; 4th = 2 ; 5th = 1).
- Tables, Paper

Tallest Tower (Patrol - 7 minutes) - 3 points
- The aim is, with the resources given, to make the tallest tower possible. Recommend using marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti. Winner has the tallest tower.
- Marshmallows, Spaghetti



Badge Links

  • Athletics - Team assault course
  • Chef - Weekend menu
  • Skills - Problem solving
  • Teamwork - Team-building