YouShape Moodboard

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A series of activities trailored to gathering opinions on upcoming strategy decisions, though easily modified to discuss section nights. Includes two craft based moodboard activities and one scavenger hunt and discussion related activity.


Craft materials (for example, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, stickers)
Coloured pens or pencils
Pens or pencils
Scrap paper
Glue sticks
Activity Cards With Green and Blue Answers


What do you like about Scouts?
1. Gather everyone together and explain that they’ll be thinking about what they like about Scouts, how it makes them feel, what they've learnt, and if there’s anything that they’d like to do or change.
2. Ask everyone to get into small groups and ask each group to find a space or sit around a table, then share out the craft supplies between each group.
3. Give everyone 10 minutes to create something that represents what the best thing about Scouts is to them. They may want to represent their creations in different ways, such as a collage, a sculpture or as digital artwork.
4. Once complete, add a short description underneath to describe the piece of work. This may need to be supported by an adult volunteer or Young Leader.

What do you get out of Scouts?
1. Gather everyone back together. Explain that in order to do the next task they'll need to find the answers from around the room.
2. Once all green and blue cards have been found, split them into their colours and spread them out. This could be on the floor or across a table or two.
3. Ask the question ''What do you get out of Scouts?'' and using the blue cards, put them in order of the most important to least important answer. You can add more answers if the set cards are not enough.
4. Repeat the activity with the question ‘What could make scouts better?’ and the green cards.
5. Once all cards have been ordered, note down the top three answers and have have a small discussion on why they think this and what would they do if they could do anything in Scouts.

What could make Scouts better?
1. Using these new ideas, create a second craft piece with the theme of ‘What could make Scouts better?’
2. Divide out the craft supplies between each group.
3. Give the young people 10 minutes to create something.
4. Once complete, add a short description underneath to describe the piece of work. This may need to be supported by an adult volunteer or Young Leader.
5. Once everyone has completed their creations, take photos of each piece and as a group reflect on the activity.



Badge Links

  • Teamwork - Pack forum