048.C.W01.F2F - Map reading and hike prep

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Activity 1 - Label the compass
Activity 2 - Map reading
Activity 3 - Setting a map
Activity 4 - Prep for Winter Challenge (Winter Challenge is a County-run hike along the Ridgeway with targets of either 9 miles or 18 miles, usually run in February or March)


Each leader should have a copy of the answers.

Each Six needs a table and chairs, and...:

Activity 1 - Label the compass
Blank compass sheet and labels (16)

Activity 2 - Map reading
Winter Challenge map (start-checkpoint 7)
Question sheet
Piece of card/paper to help show the grid increments to explain the 3rd digit

Activity 3 - Setting a map (tables and chairs can be put away before starting this activity)
9 cones (3 sets of 3 cones, each set in a different colour)
Cone location sheet
(they already have a compass)

Activity 4 - Prep for Winter Challenge
Hike instructions
Equipment pictures (to be placed at other end of hall by leader)


Activity 1 - Label the compass (~5mins)
There are 16 points, YPs should label at least the 8 main ones (in bold below) before moving on to the next activity.

Going clockwise starting at the top:
North (N)
North North East (NNE)
North East (NE)
East North East (ENE)
East (E)
East South East (ESE)
South East (SE)
South South East (SSE)
South (S)
South South West (SSW)
South West (SW)
West South West (WSW)
West (W)
West North West (WNW)
North West (NW)
North North West (NNW)

Activity 2 - Map reading (~25mins)
Let them try to work it out; they’re more likely to remember if they use their brain!

Draw a line between the references if they are struggling to see if that helps, as shown in the Start reference below.

Use a piece of paper to draw markers for the increments on to help explain the 3rd digit, but give them a chance to think about it! Don’t let them use the piece of paper to work out the references - they won’t have it on a hike.

Look at the map and give the 6-figure grid reference for each of the route markers. The Start marker has been done for them as an example.

Where is north on the map? Top - hopefully they should know/learn this from each other.
Line the map up using a compass so the north of the map faces north in reality. - Top of the map should be pointing towards the main entrance to the 40th HQ. Use the grid lines to line up the compass.
Which route marker is the furthest East? Checkpoint 7
Which route marker is the furthest South? Start
Which route marker is the furthest West? Start

Activity 3 - Setting a map (~20mins)
YPs to lay the cones out in a grid as shown on the sheet. North is at the top to the sheet, so cones along the top should be towards the main entrance to the 40th HQ.

Follow the route shown on the sheet, ensuring the top of the sheet is always pointing north.

They must reset the map before moving. The point of this is so if they are lost and looking for land marks and trying to use them to find their position on the map, it will be easier if they, and the map, are facing north - this has been tried and tested with Scouts who have been lost on their Expedition Challenge, and it makes it easier when the leader is trying to help them from the end of a phone. It also reduces the chance of error.

Activity 4 - Prep for Winter Challenge (~25mins)
Scenario is read to the group.
Pictures are put at one end of the HQ; YPs at the other.
YPs collect 1 item at a time (race)
Create 2 piles; one for items to take, another of things to leave behind.
YPs to explain to a leader, why they would/wouldn’t take each item but they should have all the items from List A in the ‘take’ pile. They can have other things in the ‘take’ pile as well as long as they can justify it and the leader agrees.
If there is time, discuss what else they might take with them (List B is on the Winter Challenge kit list).

List A - Things they should take:
Good sturdy walking boots - it can be extremely muddy on the Ridgeway, wear gaiters if you have them. We strongly advise that you do not walk in wellingtons as these are not suitable for walking long distances. Trainers are also inappropriate for most weather we experience on the Ridgeway.
Socks - Walk in two pairs of socks, this will help prevent blisters, take spare socks to change half way round or at the end.
Bottle of water sufficient for the distance being undertaken.
Packed lunch
A good coat – it must be waterproof and preferably windproof as the Ridgeway is exposed in areas
Small personal first aid kit
Torch (with spare battery & bulb) – no torch means no walking after sunset.
A sensible sized rucksack – a bag too big will just result in too much kit being packed. Pack the kit inside in a plastic bag to keep it dry – consider separate bags for food, drink, clothing etc.
O.S. Map Explorer, which covers the hike
Mobile phone (charged!) - This should be with the group lead to call for help or to let parents know they’re going to be late

List B - Other things they should take/wear (pictures not provided):
Multiple layers – wearing a couple of t-shirts and thermals will mean that you can take layers off whilst walking as you’ll inevitably become warm with the exercise!
Hiking trousers - no jeans or cords as these do not dry and you’ll get very cold if wet.
Hat and gloves – consider packing extra gloves/hat if it is wet.
Waterproof trousers – breathable is recommended otherwise their trousers will get wet from sweat.
A mug for drinks at the checkpoints.
A spare sweatshirt and trousers to change into after the hike. (May be left in support vehicle).
Two plastic bags and elastic bands to put on your feet when you finish to keep mud out of the vehicles.
Rubbish bag for your personal rubbish – to be taken home with you, not dropped on the footpath


  • hike preparation
  • Navigator

Badge Links

  • Adventure - Preparation
  • Navigator - 4 compass points
  • Navigator - 4-figure reference
  • Navigator - 6-figure reference
  • Navigator - 8 compass points
  • Navigator - Equipment
  • Navigator - Equipment
  • Navigator - Equipment
  • Teamwork - Team game
  • Teamwork - Team-building