Finding a book that shows part of the Beaver Promise

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Each Beaver brings a book with them that shows one aspect of the Beaver Promise. They tell their friends about this book.


Books brought with them eg:
A present for Freddie Small - Nick Butterworth and Michael Evans
the Duck with no Luck - Jonathan Long
Soggy the Bear - Philip Moran and Michael Foreman
Dexter Bexley and the Big, Blue Beastie - Joel Stewart
Frog and the Stranger - Max Velthuijs
The Gordon Star - Rebecca Patterson and Mary Rees
Cowboys can be kind- Timothy Knapman
The Rainbow Fish - Marcus Pfister


The Beavers were given homework to find a book or story that represents a part of the Beaver Promise.
They bring this book with them to the meeting and tell their friends about the book and why they think it tells part of the Promise
Watch The Rainbow fish on You Tube and discuss what happens in the story and which part of the promise it tells about.
Each leader reads another story to each lodge, they discuss the story and tell the rest of the Colony about the Story and it's link to the Promise.


  • promise
  • reading
  • speaking in front of group
  • story

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  • Faith - Tell a story