Backwoods Ready Steady Cook Competion

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Inter-Patrol Competition - Cook a complete backwoods menu


4 x Patrol Trangia
Trangia Fuel


• Each Patrol will be required to cook a starter, main course and desert for two Judges.
• You will have the use of your patrol fire & Trangia
• You will be scored on; Max points available - 180 points
o the cooking processes (fire 20pts, gadget 30pts, food prep 15pts, timing 30pts) - Max 95 points
o Menu (complexity 20pts) - Max 20 points
o Taste (flavour 30pts, texture 30pts) - Max 60 points
o Clear up (washing up 30pts, tidy patrol area 25pts) - Max 55 points
• Fires must be lit before flag break, as food must be ready for consumption @ 8:30pm EXACTLY
• All Patrol areas must be cleared away before 9:00pm
• Scout field will be open from 6:45pm onwards
• DON'T forget a watch for timing purposes
• Patrols to supply all foods & ingredients for the evenings events.
• Points will be deducted for Adult help, examples;
o Fire Construction = -10pts
o Fire Lighting = -10pts
o Gadget Design = -10pts
o Gadget Construction = -10pts
o Food Prep = -10pts
o Time keeping = -10pts
o Every time you are told to clear up = -10pts
And so on...

Activity updated to include the attached printable sheets for patrol planning & the scoring


  • back woods cooking
  • backwards cooking
  • backwoods Cooking
  • cook
  • cooking
  • cooking on fire
  • cooking on open fire
  • ready steady cook

Badge Links

This activity doesn't complete any badge requirements