Police Visit

Report Copyright Infringement View in OSM UK


Police officer/ Police Community Support Officer visit


Police Officer, Projector if needed,


Ask a Police Officer to tell them about their work. How to call 999, and Staying Safe at Home and Stranger Danger
Have a short quiz to test understanding or some role playing.


  • 999
  • community
  • crime
  • emergency services
  • police visit

Badge Links

  • Adventure - Green Cross Code
  • All Around Us - Explore
  • Home Safety - Crime
  • Home Safety - Numbers
  • Home Safety - Phone
  • Local Knowledge - Talk
  • Local Superhero - Discover
  • Personal Safety - Helplines
  • Personal Safety - Online Safety
  • Personal Safety - Stranger
  • Safety - Crossings
  • Safety - Emergency services
  • Safety - Green Cross Code
  • Safety - House Dangers
  • Safety - Stranger
  • Safety - Water Safety Code
  • World - Meet