Expedition in remote country

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Expeditions are the headline grabbers of the top awards in the Explorer section. They require everything that is good about Scouting: organisation, preparation, outdoor skill, stamina, strength (both mental and physical) and teamwork. This is a three meeting plan to look at the whole process of planning and expedition.


1. Several copies of maps for potential locations for the expedition.
2. internet access is ideal; however, if not then brochures with extra information outlining aspects such as weather, transport, route mapes etc. must be prepared before hand for each possible location depending on which one the Explorers go for.


Explain to the unit that they have to plan a 3-5 day expedition (this will depend upon the level of DoE award they ware currently working towards) to a remote part of the UK.

The Explorers may be split into 2 or 3 groups if it is a large unit.

Each group (if split) will be working on their own proposals for the expedition.

1. Give the Explorers 15-20 minutes to do some research on the internet or using the maps provided to choose a suitable location for their expedition.

2. Explorers regroup and explain why they chose the locations they did providing justifications and try to get buy-in from the rest of the Explorers (if split) or the section leaders, if they worked as 1 group.

3. The Explorers will now be considering the conditions that they may have to deal with during the expedition including weather, terrain, and available transport.

When looking at issues concerning the weather and terrain, the Explorers can use spider diagrams to highlight all of the potential problems or possible barriers that may cause difficulties during the expedition. Once these things have been highlighted, the explorers must then systematically work through them one by one providing solutions and measures that will taken to counter these. This is a good exercise for the Explorers to become accustomed to thinking forward and trying to predict problems and being prepared before encoutering them.

The Explorers must then work as one group to draw up a list of options that can be used for transport. Once this has been done the Explorers again work through them systematically highlighting the benefits and negatives of each option in relation to costs, the equipment that must be taken, the location of the expedition, availability etc... They then collectively decide upon the best option for their particular expedition with a clear justification.

Other aspects that can be discussed are route cards, diet and balanced menus, personal fitness levels, nightsaway permits and/or passports if required.



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