Tobogganing & Snow Tubing

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Find a local hill with snow on it, maybe in a park or open area. Tell your young people to wrap up warmly, bring their sledges, and a flask with a warm drink in it for afterwards.


Young people to wear/bring: Uniform shirt/jersey & scarf with warm clothing, waterproof outer layer, boots/wellies, hats, scarves, gloves, day-sack, flask, snack, sledge (or items for making one).

Leaders: identify suitable local place, whistle, stopwatch, markers (cones, bags, people, etc).


Sledging down the hill, if there are enough sledges for one per patrol/six/lodge then you can do relay races, just make sure you space out the groups so they don't crash into each other.

Sledges don't need to be bought, trays, bits of cardboard, bivvy bags and a load of other things can be tried. See which ones work best if you have a science bent!

even with only a few sledges you can do
- who can sledge furthest down the hill?
- what's the fastest time between two points?

Also snowball fights, snowman/snow-fort construction


  • adventure
  • snow
  • Snow fun
  • snow; science; reactions
  • snowball fight
  • snowman
  • snowsport

Badge Links

  • Adventure - Activity
  • Outdoors - Wide game
  • Scientist - Other
  • Skills - New sport
  • Snowsports - Clothes (Lvl 1)
  • Snowsports - Identify (Lvl 1)
  • Snowsports - Places (Lvl 1)
  • Snowsports - Taster (Lvl 1)
  • Snowsports - Warmup (Lvl 1)