Theme Boarding ID Passes

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Beavers/Cubs/Leaders/Helpers to make ID badges for boarding the Theme Sleepover/Camp. Passes must have team name, Theme name, number and photo. This also helps with headcounts.


Camera, printer, photo paper, card (ideal size 127mm x 77mm)/Paper, wool, pens, holepunch, glue. Optional laminated helps to keep photos in place.


Take photo of Beavers/Cubs/adults (ensure permission is granted from parents/carers). Print off photos (passport size) give to Beavers/Cubs/adults with card/Paper. Beavers/Cubs/adults to stick their photos onto the card and add their theme name, team name and number. Their theme name can be anything relating to your theme eg their initials could be CB and the theme is space, name could be Comet Beshore. They can decorate rest of card in whatever theme the id passes are for. Card can be holepunched beforehand. For authenicity can be laminated but use paper instead of card unless your laminator can cope with card. Thread wool through and tie to woggles. Beavers/Cubs/Adults need to know their number. When a head count is required everyone needs to shout their number (including the adults) or can be lined up in order/reverse order.



Badge Links

  • Artist - Imaginary drawing