IGG PATHFINDER: Becoming a Guide 08

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Know the Guide Motto, Guide sign and the left handshake (Leaders Information)




Guide motto

The Guide motto is ‘Be Prepared’. This has the same initials as Baden Powell.
You could ask the Guides to come up with a list of ways to be prepared using all the letters of the motto.

Guide Handshake

The Guide handshake is made with the left hand and is another international sign of Guiding and Scouting.
This was introduced by Lord Baden Powell, who related a legend told to him in West Africa:
Two hostile, neighbouring tribal groups decided to try to live together in peace, and so they flung down their shields, which were carried on
the left arm, and advanced, unprotected, to greet each other with their left hands extended in trust and friendship.

Guide sign

The Guide sign is made by raising three fingers of the right hand to the shoulder, keeping the thumb and little finger bent so that they touch
and the elbow down as much as possible. The three fingers remind us of the three parts of the Promise.
The sign is used when making or repeating the Promise. Only enrolled Guides should make the sign.


  • handshake
  • IGG
  • Motto
  • pre-enrolment
  • sign

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