Mother's Day Book of Promises

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To make a book of 'coupons' for acts of kindness to be given to Mum on Mothering Sunday


Paper, Stapler, colouring pens


Create and type out some ideas for 'coupons' such as 'this coupon entitles Mum to a lie in', 'this coupon entitles Mum to 15 minutes help with housework', 'an uninterrupted bath', etc. I print 4 per A4 page and then cut them up to make a cheque book shaped finished item. Print out enough for about 5 per Cub Scout, with a few 'blanks' for them to add their own ideas. I also cut out a cover and back for them. During the session, they then choose which coupons would suit their mother, add a few ideas of their own, decorate it and staple it together. They could also wrap the 'cheque book' whilst at Cubs too.


  • coupons
  • mothers day
  • vouchers

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  • Creative - Craft