Pancake Day Games

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A load of games that can be played as part of a Pancake Day Program


As per attached document for cubs.
Instructions below for Beavers


Pancake Day Games for Beavers

Pancake on your head race
Pancake per Lodge (Cardboard Plate)
How to Play
Beavers form up in their Lodges at one end of the playing area, give each team a “pancake”, which they have to place on their head and race to the other end on the playing area and back without the “pancake” falling off their head, if it falls off they have to pick it up and keep going
Repeat the game a 2nd time but this time give each lodge 2 “pancakes”

Pancake drop
Frying Pan per Lodge
Stack of “Pancakes” (Cardboard Plates) per Lodge
How to Play
Beavers form up in their Lodges at one end of the playing area, at the other end of the playing area place a frying pan on the floor and a stack of cardboard pancakes in front of each Lodge. One at a time each Beaver runs up and Picks up a “pancake” and stands over the frying pan tries to drop the pancakes right into the pan. Count up the pancakes, the winning Lodge is the Lodge with the most “pancakes” in their frying pan

Pancake Relay
Frying Pan per Lodge
“Pancake” (Cardboard Plate) per Lodge
How to Play
Beavers in form up in their Lodges at one end of the Playing area and are given a frying pan and a “pancake”. Beavers have to place ‘pancake’ into frying pan and run length of hall, stopping three times on the way down to flip the ‘pancake’. Continue as for usual relays with first Lodge to complete being the winners. If pancake is dropped out of the pan the Beaver has to go back to the start.

Pancake Mixture Game
Equipment None
How to Play
Beavers sit in a circle, go round the circle and give each Beaver an ingredient that is used to make a pancake. Call out one of the ingredients and all the Beavers with that ingredient have to get up from their place and run round the circle and back to their place, first Beaver back wins.
Play as a team game and have the Beavers form up in their Lodges at one end of the playing area, give each Beaver a name of an ingredient, and once again call out the name of an ingredient each Beaver in each Lodge with that ingredient runs to the other end of playing area. If you call out pancakes all the Beavers run
Ingredient List

Pancake Shopping Memory Game
Equipment None
How to Play
Beavers sit in a circle, the first Beaver or Leader says "I went shopping for our pancake party and I bought..." and mentions an item related to pancakes, e.g. flour or a frying pan, Second Beaver says "I went shopping for our pancake party and I bought <first Beavers item> and <new item>.", repeat this round the circle until the last Beaver has to say all the item, Beavers can be helped if they can't remember.


  • game
  • games pancake day
  • Pancake
  • Pancake Day
  • Pancakes
  • shrove Tuesday

Badge Links

  • Teamwork - Team game