Preparing for a hike

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Simple exercise to allow the Cubs to determine what they need to take for a hike


Assuming 4 groups:
4x Pair of Walk shoes/boots
4x Crocs/Flip flops
4x Pair of Walking socks
4x 15-20L Rucsac
4x Pair of Jeans
4x Thick Baggy Coats
8x Pair of Activity Trousers
8x Long sleeve top
4x Rain jacket
4x T-Shirt
4x First Aid Kits
5x Bar of Chocolate
5x Packets of 'boiled' sweets
4x Water bottles
4x Cans of Coke
4x House Brick/Heavy rocks
4x Flint & Steel
4x Torch
4x Hat
4x Pair of Gloves
4x Compass
4x Map
4x Whistle


Before the meeting, take 1 bar of chocolate and two boiled sweets. Go outside and on any grass area and place, approx 1.5 feet apart, 0.5 bars of chocolate (unwrapped), a sweet (wrapped) and a sweet (unwrapped). Place the other half bar of chocolate (wrapped) in your pocket.

Separate the clothing into 4 equal piles at one end of the room.

Line the Cubs up at the other end of the room.

Discuss that you want the Cubs to determine what is suitable equipment to take on a hike.

Simple relay race to collect one item at a time from the pile and return it to the starting area.
Each group to then agree on how the items should be split into 3 piles: one to wear, one to carry and one to leave behind (allow 5-10 minutes).

Discuss items in the various piles for suitability, e.g. walking shoes for stability and support, flip flips no support & grip and toes are unprotected, brick to be left behind due to size & weight (but could be used to light a fire on etc)
When you get to the chocolate discuss how it tastes nice but there can be disadvantages - the first Cubs to advise it can melt get the prize of the half a bar of chocolate that's in your pocket. At this point, you then go outside to look at the other items you placed on the ground - it's fairly likely that the chocolate and unwrapped sweet will have attracted ants (discuss how this can also happen in a tent).

Ask the Cubs to pak the 'carry' items into the Rucsac (assuming they chose that) to see if everything fits.


  • hike equipment
  • Hike kit
  • hike prep
  • hike preparation
  • pack a bag
  • packing a rucksack
  • Preparing for a hike

Badge Links

  • Adventure - Preparation