B1 Games
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A selection of games taken from the BB Juniors Pro Pack Body B-1
Various equipment
For full details see Juniors Pro Pack card B1
Draw two circles, one at each end of the hail, about 5/6 feet across. In the centre of each place a bowl/bin/box to be the goal’. Divide the players into two teams. These rules may be helpful: no body contact, no ball over head height, no entering the chalked goal area, only one step whilst in possession, no holding the ball for more than three seconds. Anybody putting any part of their person over the goal area gives the other team a free throw. A goal is scored by throwing the ball into the bowl/bin/box.
Catch Relay
Teams in line. Number Ones face their teams, a few feet back, each has a large ball. He throws to Number Two, who catches and returns it, then crouches so that the ball can be thrown to Number Three, and so on, each player ducking down after he’s returned it. This is then played as a relay game.
Circular Tug of War
Put the young people into teams and number then, matching sizes and strengths. Take a rope and join in a circle (with a non-slip knot). Place this in the centre of the hall. Ten feet away from that put one item per team, so that the items and rope form two concentric circles. When a number is called, all the players of that number grasp the rope, and on the word go’, pull. The one who manages to pick up his team’s object gets the point.
Mime Race
Prepare a set of cards detailing various jobs or activities; have three or four the same, then shuffle, and all the players take one and mime their activity; they also have to find the other players with the same card, solely by their mimes. Suggestions: policeman, teacher, vicar etc.
Noughts and Crosses
Two teams. Put nine chairs in a 3x3 pattern. This can be played either as a straight noughts and crosses, or as a quiz, with a player taking a chair only if he gets a question right. The first team to get three-in-a-row wins the point. If your numbers aren’t enough to make the teams, chalk a grid on the floor and use coloured markers for each side. The players should make their moves for themselves, with no hints from their team-mates.
All Change
All players form a circle, sitting or standing and spread out to at least arm’s length. IT’ is in the centre. Each player in the ring is given a number, starting at one. ‘IT’ calls out numbers, at least two at a time, and the numbered players must immediately change places. If ‘IT’ can grab a place before one of the players, that person becomes the new ‘IT’. After a couple of rounds people become confused about where they must dash to, which adds to the fun of the game. The merry-go-round can be made more exciting by calling out ‘all odds’ or all numbers below six’.
All players take off their shoes, divide into two teams and line up on opposite sides of the room, holding their shoes. A bean bag or duster is placed in the centre on the floor. The object of the game is to move the duster or bean bag into the other team’s half by throwing shoes at it. Players may use any shoes that come near them. Bean bags can be used instead of shoes.
Colour Race
Divide the players into two teams, one Odds’ and the other ‘Evens’ — each team has a scorer. One of the scorers throws the ball up in the air and whoever catches it shouts out Odds’ or Evens’, depending on their team. The player then tries to throw the ball to another player in the same team, which the opposing team tries to intercept. The team which scores the greater number of catches wins.
Boat Race
The players divide into teams and form lines at one end of the room, with their hands on one another’s shoulders. The leaders of each team must be level with each other. At the word ‘GO the teams bend down with knees bent, and jump together towards the other end of the room. If a player lets go, the team has to go back to the beginning again.
Relay Skate
Each team will need a pair of ‘skates’ (pieces of thick card, cut into oblongs a bit larger than an adult’s foot) with string to fasten around the foot. There are a quantity of bean bags scattered around the hall. Number One puts the skates on the floor, stands on them, and skates out to pick up a bean bag, returns and hands the skates to Number Two. This continues until all the team has had a go. The team to collect the most bean bags wins.
Triangular Football
Divide the players into three teams. Use cones, widely spaced, to be the three goals. Play your normal football rules, except that there are three teams contesting the ball.
Walking the Plank
Draw a straight chalk line down the hall. Split the players into teams; one team has to walk down the line to the far end of the hall, and the other team, equipped with soft balls, is spread out to either side, and tries to make them ‘fall off’ the line. You will have to decide what constitutes ‘falling off’; play it that if one foot is completely on the floor and off the line, the players has fallen off. Count the players reaching the far end, and then swap.
Defend Your area
The hall is quartered, and the players divided into four teams, making sure if possible that sizes are evenly distributed. Each team has a quarter of the hall: the object is to keep the ball out of one’s own area, and tries to get it into somebody else’s. Every ten seconds a whistle is blown, and whoever’s area the ball is in, or passing over, gets a point. The team with the least points at the end of the game wins. Every few minutes, rotate the teams until they’ve all been in each quarter — this neutralises natural obstacles.
Two teams are numbered from alternate ends, and sit facing each other, about ten feet apart. When their number is called out each player folds his arms and hops out to the centre: the idea is to make each player put both feet on the floor at once. Hoppers can change feet, so long as both aren’t down together.
Letter Hunt
Give each player or team a pencil and paper. Tell them to go round the meeting place, listing every item they can find beginning with a certain letter, which you tell them. See who can get the longest list
The young people are divided into four equal groups, with one group sitting in each corner. Seven bean bags are put in the centre of the room, with a square drawn around them, and a small hoop or square is marked in front of each team. Each team member is given a number, from one onwards. The leader calls out a number, eg 4: the four boys whose number is 4 run to the centre of the room and pick up a bean bag and then take it to their own hoop or square. Only one bean bag may be picked up at a time. It must be placed in the hoop or square, not thrown. They then return to the centre and pick up another bean bag. When all the bean bags
have been picked up from the centre they then may take the bean bags, again one at a time, from any of their opponent’s hoops or square. This continues until one of the ‘Pirates’ has three bean bags in his hoop or square. The leader then calls out other numbers until all the boys have had a go, and the team with the most numbers wins
The young people are put into four groups, and form ‘Trains’ by holding each other, one behind another. Each is allocated a ‘Railway Station Name’: eg Euston, Glasgow Central, New Street, Lime Street, and take up positions round the room. One player is blindfolded in the middle of the room. The leader shouts Euston to New Street’ and the Euston and New Street ‘trains’, make noises like a train and change places. The player in the centre must try to catch hold of a ‘train’ and, if successful, then changes place with one of the boys in the caught train’.
Each team member must draw the shape of an object as near to the correct size as possible. Make sure that the objects are not in sight. Some examples: match box, various coins, a milk bottle etc
Change Places
The young people except one sit on chairs in a circle. The boy without the chair stands in the middle of the circle. The person taking the game or the boy in the middle then asks, eg all young people with blue eyes change seats’. The boy who is standing in the centre has to find and sit on one of the vacant chairs before it is occupied by another boy. The person who does not manage to find a vacant chair will then stand in the centre ready for another ‘change’. Some example changes: black shoes, watch, blue jumper, black hair etc. the list will depend upon the variety of colour, clothing etc that is within the group.
Odds and Evens
Divide the young people into two teams, one ‘Odds and the other ‘Evens’. A leader throws a large sponge ball up in the air and whoever catches it calls out either ‘Odds’ or ‘Evens’ depending upon which team they belong. The player tries to throw the ball to another player in his team as the other team members try to intercept it, the idea is to see how many consecutive passes can be made between team players. The leader will need to keep the score and after an allotted time the team that has the highest number of passes will win the game
Cat and Mouse
Two young people are selected for the first go, one will be the cat and the other will be the mouse. The other young people stand in equal lines depending how many you have, all facing the same direction linking hands with arms outstretched. The cat chases the mouse who runs up and down the lines. When a whistle is blown the boys in the lines drop their hands and turn to their right and link hands with the boys either side of them. The chase continues going up and down the newly formed lines. Every time the whistle is blown the boys turn to either their original position or will do a right turn and re-link hands. The chase finishes when the cat has
caught the mouse. Two new players are selected and the other young people take their places in the lines. The cat and mouse should not break through the linked hands and arms of the young people in the lines.
Twos and Threes
This is a game for any number. Two boys are selected, one to be the ‘fugitive’ and one as the ‘captor’. The other boys stand in pairs one behind another and form a circle. The fugitive has to avoid being caught by the captor by running in and out of the circle, between and behind and in front of the pairs.
The fugitive can at any point stand directly in front of a pair and at this point the boy at the back then becomes the fugitive and has to start running. A pair must never become a threesome.
If the fugitive is caught he then becomes the captor and another boy becomes the fugitive.
Escape ball
The young people must form a circle, standing with their legs apart and their feet touching the foot of the boy either side of them.
Select one young person to be the ‘hitter’ who will stand in the middle of the circle with a large sponge football. The boy in the centre must try to get the ball through the legs of the boys in the circle by using his hands only. The young people in the circle can ‘defend’ and stop the ball going through again by using their hands only. There is no kicking allowed.
When the ball has successfully gone through the legs of one boy the hitter and the young person change places and the game continues.
- basketball
- Boat race
- body
- cat and mouse
- catch game
- football
- game
- hunt
- mime
- Pirates
- relay games
- trains
- tug of war
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