5 Animals with extra info for badge

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Using footprint data from Nikki Clarke's 5 animals activity - have added food & habitat to suit Outdoors Challenge. Have used Brown Bear even though they do not live in Britain - poetic licence!


Print off copies of pictures & list of foods & habitats. Label Tracks A - horse, B - frog, C - Duck, D - Bear & E - Great Tit. if using outside laminate them - so can be re-used.


Spread pictures, footprints, habitats & lists of foods around the area to be used - we are using the woods. Give each pair/team a piece of paper & pencil or pre-printed answer sheet and ask them to find the 5 animals and then to write down what food they eat, where they live and what their tracks look like.
If done outside - then would fulfil Adventure - outside activity
If done in groups - then can appoint a child as group leader to fulfil Teamwork - lead
If done in pairs - then one can act as a friend - to fulfil Teamwork - friend


  • 5
  • Animal
  • animal food
  • animal track
  • five
  • habitat
  • Outdoor Challenge
  • Problem solving
  • teamwork activity

Badge Links

  • Adventure - Outdoor activity
  • Outdoors - Five animals
  • Skills - Problem solving
  • Teamwork - Challenge
  • Teamwork - Friend
  • Teamwork - Lead