Pack for a short day hike

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For section 6 of Navigator 1. Beavers to find out what equipment they need for a short day hike.


Rucksack, water bottle, waterproof coat, waterproof trousers, map, snack, compass, hat, sun cream. One set per Lodge


Beavers to line up in Lodges with a small rucksack per Lodge.
At the other end of the room have a pile of items needed for a hike - one pile per Lodge with the same items in each pile.
Items: - water bottle, waterproof coat, waterproof trousers, map, snack, compass, hat, sun cream.
Beavers to run, one at a time, and collect one item each.
They are then to pack the rucksack.
The first Lodge finished are the winners!


  • Navigator
  • Navigator stage 1

Badge Links

  • Navigator - Equipment