Solar System Team Game

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Split the beavers into teams. (maximum of eight per team if you are only include planets, but I have 20 in my colony so I also included the Sun and Pluto (not currently being classed as a planet!)
Each beavers gets a planet card, which has a variety of statistics for that planet clearly written down on the card
Beavers need to organise themselves into order based on one of the statistics that you give them


Create cards (ideally laminated so they can be reused) for each planet ( two to four cards per planet depending on the size of your colony)
Each card should have a variety of statistics that are clearly laid out (a picture of the planet is also nice).
The statistic should be the same consistent across the cards e.g. planet diameter, density, mass, number of moons, number of days in a year
For some of the stats (density, mass etc.) the kids got confused by the units so I changed it to 1st heaviest, 2nd heaviest etc

I have attached my cards to this article as a starting point if you are in a hurry!


Split the colony into teams
Hand each beaver a card (if there are cards left over don't worry, but make sure the beavers know that there may be some gaps)
Tell the beavers to organise themselves into order according to one of the stats on the card that you give them.
e.g. order yourself by planet diameter/size, largest at this end, smallest at the other end
Repeat with other stats

Also if you have already learnt the order of the planets (My Very Excellent Mother Just Serves Us Nachos!), you can get them to order themselves by distance from the sun as well as planet names in alphabetical order.

If you have enough hoops or mats, line up the hoops/mats (one line per team ) and then tell the beavers they can only swap with the person on either side of them.
For an extra challenge get them to do it silently!!


  • planet
  • solar system

Badge Links

  • Space - Planets
  • Teamwork - Team game