Crab Football

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Played with a giant football using walls as goals


2 - 4 teams
1 giant football
designated wall area as goal


Divide your members into 2 or four teams.
Place one half of the teams (1 or 2) at each end of the hall
Number the members in each team (if number are not equal some players may need 2 numbers to even things up)
Explain that the goal is the wall at the opposite end to where year team is.
Designate an area on the walls at each end of the hall as goal areas
Explain that the game is played in the crab position (lay on your back and push up with hands and feet to bring bottom off the ground)
Place the ball in the centre of the hall,
Call a number - those with that number assume the crab position and the move towards the ball.
The object is to manoeuvre the ball to score a goal, or to prevent the opposition from scoring a goal.
To liven thing up further call more than one number.



Badge Links

  • Health and Fitness - Agility
  • Physical Recreation - Take part
  • Teamwork - Examples
  • Teamwork - Team game
  • Teamwork - Team-building