Being a Good Friend

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Some activities that demonstrate how to be a good friend


Some of (depending on which activities you choose):
Friendship flash cards -one pack per group
Paper, pens, example recipes
Random items for building a friend or paper and pens
Slips of paper, pens, hat


Participate in two activities that show you know how to be a good friend.

Use friendship flash cards (found in another OGM activity "good friend flash cards")
In small groups shuffle cards and place face down in the centre. Go around the circle with each person picking up a card and reading it aloud. The group then discuss (or act out or draw) to answer the question on the card. Useful to do first to get the girls thinking about what makes a good friend.

Write a recipe for a good friend
Show some recipes. Explain that they are now going to write a recipe for a good friend - they need to include ingredients and instructions on how to create a good friend.

Build a friend
With a variety or random items (or by drawing) patrols create a friend. Ask them to think about what makes this person someone they would like to have as a friend and to try and represent that in their creation (big heart, warm hands, large listening ears, friendly smile etc. At the end get each Patrol to explain to the others about their friend

Good friend charades
Ask the unit to each write down one thing a good friend does on a slip of paper. Add these all to a hat. In small groups or as a whole unit, one person pulls a slip out of the hat and acts the suggestion out. Unit or patrol guesses. After each one discuss how this demonstrates a healthy friendship in action. Try to bring out themes - being able to be yourself, support, acceptance, etc.


  • Friend
  • Friendship
  • game
  • Healthy
  • Relationship

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