Ngu Kin Hang/ Snake Catches its Tail
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This is a traditional game played by children in Thailand. It requires no equipment, just a fairly large area with room for movement.
Large space in which to play.
Players form a snake by holding onto one another’s waists or shoulders to form a line. The last player in line is the tail of the snake. The head snake stands separately in front of the line, facing it. The head snake needs to try and catch the player at the end of the line, while the players in the line snake use their arms and undulating movements to fend him/ her off. Any players who lose hold of the person in front of them are out. If the head snake catches the tail (i.e., catches the last player in line, then that player is out, and game continues until all players have been caught.) Switch roles and continue playing as desired.
- active games
- international game
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