Movie Puppet Show
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Beavers create and present a puppet show based on their favourite movie
You need a brown paper bag for each Beaver
Pens, craft etc
Using the attached for inspiration each lodge needs to choose a movie which they will turn into a puppet show
As a lodge they need to plan their show, decide what characters to create and the story they plan to tell
Each Beaver is then given a brown bag and they will use the pens and other craft in the hut to turn them into a movie character
Each lodge presents their story to the other lodges. Either each character can speak individually or they can nominate a narrator
Points will be awarded based on how quickly other lodges guess the movie, how clear the story is and the creativity in the puppets
- present
- puppets
- show
Badge Links
- Creative - Craft
- Creative - Imagination
- Skills - Creative activity
- Teamwork - Log Chew