IGG INTEREST BADGE: Ladybird Healthy Mind Option 01
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Identify 5 things that make you special (5 Activities from Autumn Trefoil New 2019)
Pieces of paper with each Ladybirds Name on it
Paper and colours OR Mirror
Ink stamps OR different coloured paints
A sheet of paper for each ladybird
Magnifying Glass
Felt Pens
This activity will help your ladybirds identify 5 things that make them special. It is made up of 5 different activities or games.
My name
Activity preparation:
Print or write out the Ladybirds names in full and give each Ladybird her name. Ask each Ladybird to look at her name and look at the letters that make up her name.
Scatter the names around the table and ask each Ladybird to take her time and try to select her name from the names on the table.
My birthday
Game: (Same as ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf?’)
1) Arrange the Ladybirds in a line along the wall at the back of your meeting room.
2) Having checked the months of their birthdays, tell each Ladybird the month of her birthday asking her to repeat it before you move to the next Ladybird.
3) The Leader stands at the other end of the room facing the Ladybirds and calls out a different month specific to one of the Ladybirds in the group and a number of steps for her to jump. For example, ‘February – 4 jumps’. The Ladybird with that birthday month should jump the required number of jumps.
4) Call out the relevant birthday months ensuring that each Ladybird gets at least two chances to jump.
5) The Ladybird that reaches the Leader first is the winner.
My face with a smile
Everyone is unique. Ask the Ladybirds to draw a picture of their face with a smile on it.
Alternatively bring in a mirror and allow each Ladybird to smile at themselves in the mirror.
My fingerprints
Painting activity:
• Using ink stamps or different coloured paints, ask the Ladybirds to make a caterpillar using paint or ink on their fingers.
• Using a magnifying glass, allow each Ladybird to examine the curved lines in the prints.
• Explain to the Ladybirds that everyone’s fingerprints are different.
• Using felt pens, ask the Ladybirds to draw a hat on the caterpillars head and legs with shoes on its body.
My hobbies
What do I like to do? Draw, paint, build, dance, run, read etc.
Play a game of ‘When the wind blows?’
The Ladybirds and Leaders stand in a circle holding hands. As the Leaders and Ladybirds say ‘When the wind blows’ everyone moves in towards the centre of the circle and then the Leader calls out ‘anyone who likes to dance swap places’ as the group moves back out into the bigger circle. Anyone who likes to dance swaps places with someone else who likes to dance. Not everyone will swap places. While we can share some of the same hobbies, our skills and talents make each of us different and unique. The group holds hands and continue the game using a different hobby.
- Autumn Trefoil News 2019
- Healthy mind
- interest badge
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