Warm Up - Getting to Know You
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A way for the children to learn each other's names and also the names of their Leaders
Bean Bags or for older children Tennis Balls (which would tend to bounce)
1. Get everyone to stand in a circle
2. Leader throws a Bean Bag to someone and calls out their name as she does so
3. Girl has to throw the Bean Bag to another child calling out their name at the same time (if she does not know a
name it is perfectly okay to ask or double check a name just before she throws the Bean Bag).
4. Continue to throw between the children - other Leaders could be involved too, just one Leader needs not to play in
order to stay in control of the game. When Leaders play - the children learn the Leaders names as well.
5. Gradually make the game more complicated by adding more Bean Bags - limit the number for younger children as
might get a bit too confusing.
6. Finish when everyone has had a few turns - this is why one Leader does not play, so she can keep an eye on
ensuring that everyone gets a turn.
7. Finish the game before it gets boring - so it could last from 5 to 15 minutes
8. Explaining how to play can also take a few minutes as well depending on the age group
- getting to know you
- warm up
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