Promise Whizzer Boomerangs
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Easy to make cardboard boomerangs.
Help Pathfinders to learn the Promise and discuss that who we are and what we do and say has an impact on the world around us.
Source: passed down through our Unit. Possibly from an earlier version of the IGG Guide Programme.
Template attached
Cardboard - coloured or plain.
Sufficient copies of “copy and paste” Promise if using.
Glue if using.
Additional for STEM version:
Compass (or string, thumbtack and pencil)
Varied card and paper
In advance, make a couple of cardboard templates and save for re-use.
Guides take turns using the templates to trace their own Whizzer onto card.
Cut out Whizzers.
Guides can write the words of the Promise on one side of their Whizzer (one part of the Promise on each arm).
Or use the pre-printed words – depending on interest, ability and time available.
On the other side have each Guide write a message reflecting that we all have the ability to change the people and the world around us and that change comes back to us again. That how we treat other people and our world makes a difference to how we are treated in return.
Further discussion topics – friendship, respect, being polite, littering, the environment, animals, the Guide Law in general.
Some suggested messages/ideas are provided.
Decorate as desired.
Experiment with the best way to send them flying and have them return.
Game extension:
All throw your Whizzers from the same point. The Guide's Whizzer that lands furthest away recites the Guide Promise.
STEM version:
Do not provide the template.
Provide a variety of thicknesses of card and paper.
Guides design their own Whizzer, experimenting with different shape and length of arms and different materials.
Provide the guidelines that each Whizzer should have 3 arms identical in shape and length and equidistant from each other. Use the compass or protractor to space the arms evenly.
This version will take considerably longer as an activity.
This activity is included in the “Pathfinder Trifold Display Poster” as part of the Becoming a Guide Programme. But can be used as a stand-alone activity.
To add to your Trifold display, glue a cardboard strip loosely to your display of a size to allow one arm of the Whizzer to slide through, but be easily slid out again for use.
- Pathfinder Becoming a Guide
- Pathfinder Trifold Display Poster
- promise
Badge Links
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