Story of Diwali - running game.
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Listen for the characters names and run to their picture each time you hear them.
True/false facts game.
Story of Diwali.
True/False Facts
Picture of Rama, Sita, Ravana and Hanuman. Each one placed on a different wall of the hall. Best if Rama and Ravana are on opposite walls for True/False game.
(All attached as one document)
Story Game
Place the pictures of the four main characters in the story around the room/
Read the story of Diwali (attached). As you read out a characters name the young people run to the picture of that character. Whoever gets there first, gets a point for their six.
True/False Game
Use the pictures of Rama and Ravana for this game. Read out a fact (attached, taken from if they think the answer is true they run to the picture of Rama. If they think it is false they run to the picture of Ravana. Reveal answer.
Reflection (taken from
This activity reminded everyone that they’re a local, national, and international citizen. Are there any similarities between Diwali and any festivals or celebrations people take part in? Are there any other festivals or celebrations that people would like to find out more about? Diwali is a time to think about others and people in need – is that a responsibility everyone shares, no matter their background?
This activity also encouraged everyone to respect and trust people from different backgrounds. How could everyone respect people who’re celebrating Diwali? Why is it important that people learn about festivals and celebrations that they don’t celebrate? Did anyone learn anything surprising about Diwali? How would people feel if they were invited to a Diwali celebration?
Badge Links
- International - Festival
- World - Festival
- World Faiths - Festivals