new scouts evening
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this is designed to be an evening that can be done when a lot of new scouts come up from cubs to serve as a informative introduction to scouting.
A4 printed photo of membership badge (below) and explanation
info sheets (below)
this is designed to be done in stations, please prep and prepare others in your team before the start of the meeting if passable
Your Troop:
Adult talk about traditions of the group and scouts talk about what is the favourite thing they have done as a scout on the whiteboard and the Cub does what they looking forward to doing, THEN discuss the motto, Be prepared. why would we need to do that in scouting?
Symbols of scouting: - FDL puzzle
print out the membership badge. stick it on to cardboard and cut out every piece and then have the scouts put it together and label each bit with tags. - (print: membership award image & world membership badge meaning: membership badge tags)
The promise and law:
cut out line by line of the promises and ask scouts to put them together in the right order. then talk about the promise and the difference between different belief systems and why would scouting do that?
history of scouting - time line
cut up and ask scouts to put it in order.
Badge Links
- Membership - Background
- Membership - History
- Membership - Know about the troop
- Membership - Know members
- Membership - Promise and Law
- Membership - Traditions