Super Scarves
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Scout scarves are really important. Can you fold, roll, and take care of yours?
Scarves (such as neckers)
Scout scarves
The person leading the game should ask if anyone knows any other names for the scarves Scouts wear. Some people call them ‘neckers’. Scouts all over the world wear scarves or neckers, so they remind everyone that they’re part of one big Scout family. In the UK, scarves of different colours show people which Group Scouts belong to.
The person leading the game should explain that scarves don’t just identify Scouts; they have other uses too. Everyone should take a moment to think about what else a scarf could be used for, and try out some of their ideas.
Some ideas include a sling for an injured arm, a blindfold for a game, to keep the sun off someone’s neck, to cover someone’s head, or as a flag.
Roll your scarf
Everyone should open their scarf and put it flat in front of them with the point facing away from them. They should smooth it out so it’s flat.
Everyone should start to roll their scarf away from them. They should use both hands, and smooth it with their hands to make sure it stays smooth and regular.
Everyone should keep rolling until the point of their scarf measures about a hand span. They can find their hand span by stretching their hand out so it looks a bit like a starfish. When they put their thumb on the roll, their little finger should touch the point of the scarf.
Everyone should put their scarf on and slide the woggle up over the end to keep it in place.
Fold your scarf
The person leading the activity should explain that some people fold their scarves instead of rolling them.
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