Super Secret Scouts Mission

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New Scouts will have to use their detective skills to get to know everyone and discover some Scouts secrets.

I do not take any credit for this activity.
This can be found at


Cut out knowledge cards attached and cut in half


The person leading the game should give the new Scout all of the question cards. They’re now the detective.
The person leading the game should give everyone else an answer card. They’re now the agents.

Mission time
Throughout the meeting, everyone should get stuck in to all of the activities like normal.
At the same time, the detective should approach people and ask them questions.
(It’s up to them how they do this – they may want to ask people what number they are to narrow it down, or just ask lots of questions.)
The agents should answer the detective’s questions using their answer card to get all the facts right.
The detective should keep asking questions to find out as much as possible. They may want to keep track of the answers by collecting the answer cards or putting the finished question cards in a pile somewhere.
At the end of the meeting, the detective should share some of the information they’ve found with the rest of the agents.


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