Mother's Day Card - Home Is Where My Mum Is

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Use map skills to find out where we live and then make a Mother's Day card. The map will be in a "home" shape with a heart showing where Mum is.


Card stock folded in half - big enough to fit your map and the wording "Home Is Where My Mum Is"
Heart shaped sticker
Print out of local maps - one for each YP
"House/home" shaped template (optional) - make sure it will fit well on the card you're going to use and is big enough to show a reasonable amount of map.
"Home Is Where My Mum Is" (optional) - printed out on paper or on labels


a) Make sure you have a map print for each YP which includes where they live. If you're going to cut out a shape before sticking the map to a card, also make sure the location is going to fit in to your shape (i.e. not too close the edge of the map).
b) To save time, you could do a couple of things ahead of time i) cut out maps for each YP ii) pre-print wording for the card (this can help YP who struggle with writing, too)

1. Ask YP to find where they live on the map. Use a heart shape sticker to mark it on your map - you could use highlighter pens to draw a heart or some glitter and glue.
2. Use the template to draw and then cut out a "home" shaped map. Make sure your heart is inside the cut out!
3. Use some card folded in half
4. Stick map on the card
5. Add your wording "Home Is Where My Mum Is"


  • map
  • Mother's Day
  • mothers day card
  • mothers day craft
  • navigate
  • Navigator

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  • Creative - Craft
  • Navigator - Locate