Pioneer - basic knots & lashings

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Basic knots and lashings to cover those elements of Pioneer badge


Lashing lengths
Scout staves
(Projector, screen, extension lead, adaptor)
Carpet tiles (if playing <Knot a race>)


Use Human knot game as an Ice-breaker (activities not described here are available on OSM).

If desired, projector is used to show how to tie knots using a web page such as:

Pioneer badge elements: make rope, 1 simple lashing, 3 knots, 1 hitch, knot game, project. See <Simple rope making>, <Human knot>, <Across the river>, <Knot a race>, Ballista, Sedan chair, Catapult for others.

Begin by demonstrating that knots are fun and useful:
- How would you start to tie up a Cub or lash something on a roof rack? Make a loop by tying a half hitch/ overhand knot on a bite
- Walking in the hills, how would you make a step up rope ladder? Alpine butterfly knot
- Highwayman making a quick getaway? Highwayman's hitch

Proceed to teach Cubs (split in sixes, adult per six) the following knots:
- half hitch on a bite (parcel, roof rack, &c)
- reef knot (finishing knot)
- sheet bend (unequal ropes joined)
- clove hitch (starting knot, rope fencing)
- round turn and two half hitches
- bowline (does not close up - unsafe)
- figure of eight knot (climbing, stopper knot)
- highwayman's hitch (quick get away, retrievable climbing rope)
- sheepshank (shorten a rope)
- alpine butterfly (rope ladder)

The first 5 are enough for the badge. When they know a reef knot you can play <Across the river>. When they know a few more knots they can play <Knot a race>.


  • Knot
  • knots
  • knots and lashings
  • pioneer

Badge Links

  • Pioneer - Game
  • Pioneer - Hitch
  • Pioneer - Lashing
  • Pioneer - Three knots