Command the castle

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Become a King or Queen of the castle in this game of rock, paper, scissors
Taken from Scout website


Device to play music
Cones, chalk, or similar to mark places


*Play the game *
- Gather everyone together and tell them they’re going to play ‘Command the Castle’.
- Ask half the group to stand on a cone each. They should be stood in the middle of the space.
- Explain to everyone that they’re the ‘Kings’ or ‘Queens’.
- Ask everyone else to spread themselves out around the space.
- Explain to everyone that the aim of the game is to be a ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ at the end of the game.
- To become a King or Queen, when the music starts, the people not on a cone need to circle around the kings, just like a moat around a castle. Then the music stops, everyone in the moat challenges a ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ with rock, paper, scissors. If the ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ wins they stay in the castle, however if the challenger wins, they become the ‘King’ or ‘Queen’.
- Start the music and play the game.
- Repeat this until everyone has had a chance at becoming a ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ of the castle.


  • castle
  • king
  • queen
  • Rock paper scissors

Badge Links

  • Teamwork - Team game