12 days of Christmas Challenges

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A set of challenges over a troop night for patrols. To win points for their patrol. Points convert to paper chain pieces. The longest paper chain wins.


Lots of paper chains
See each challenge for equipment needs


Patrols are challenge to do a number of challenges which are set in various stations around the hut. They can do them in any order. Each successfully completed challenge will earn a number of paper chains. They need to link the paperchains together during the evening. The winning patrol will be the one with the longest paper chain at the end of the evening.

One chimney for Santa to climb down
Using spaghetti and marshmallows, build a chimney of at least x height which needs to stand standing for at least x amount of minutes. Tip Scouts can leave the chimney and move onto another challenge whilst waiting for the time limit to pass.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol

Two hills in Lapland
With a copy of a map of Lapland with contours, eg https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/413768284530157225/ and some playdough (recipes are online), build a model of Lapland.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol

Three itchy beards
Using vaseline (as glue) and some cotton wool, give three members of the patrol a decent Father Christmas style beard. You might need a hand washing station for immediately afterwards.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol
A secret extra set of paper chains at the end of the game for the ones that last the longest and in the best condition.

Four Immaculate Snowmen
Have a paper plate per Scout and a felt tip or pen that works. Scouts to place the plate on their face so they cannot see. They then draw a Snowman onto the plate and write their name underneath, eg they would be drawing it on their face if the plate was not there.
I would suggest having four Scouts play. Or they pick the best of four of their patrol members that play. And score them
If they have all the elements for all the snowmen they win a max of 4 paper chains per patrol

Five Gold rings
Have the inflatable reindeer headgear and a set of yellow/gold rings which need to be thrown from x distance. They need to get five gold rings on the antlers for points.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol. less if less rings are caught.

Six portions of pudding
Using some bowls, some thin paper or foil or pieces of muslin and some string, plus a pair of scissors. Tie a barrel hitch to keep the paper onto the bowl for "steaming the Christmas pudding".
Max 4 paper chains per patrol

Seven(ty) Father Christmases
Find wally eg https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wheres-Wally-Spectacular-Martin-Handford/dp/1406378631
Max 4 paper chains per patrol

Eight turkeys gobbling
As a patrol do eight leap frogs whilst making turkey noises.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol.

Nine pins a spouted
Using a silly ball - eg a spout shaped ball, and nine skittles, bowl all skittles down in four goes. One turn per Scout. Plus set them up for the next patrol.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol

Ten fingers gift wrapped
Using two triangle bandages, or Scout Scarfs, place an arms for two Scouts (so two arms in total) into a sling.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol

Eleven lines of song
Sing eleven lines of a Christmas carol or Christmas song of your choice. Whole patrol participation.
Max 4 paper chains per patrol

Twelve Christmas cards scrambled
Break the code. Using a code such as at https://www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk/ext/programme/activities/?action=printActivity&activityid=7963&section_id=23474 have a message on a sheet for them to decipher
Max 4 paper chains per patrol


  • challenges
  • christmas

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