Christmas Family Fortunes 2023
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A fantastic game based on the TV show Family Fortunes with Christmas questions. The answers are based on responses from members of 1st Facebook Beaver Scout Colony, compiled by Helen Harris (shared with her permission). Thank you, Helen!
Ideally, a whiteboard and markers, but you can play informally however you like.
Attached Q & A sheet.
The official-style Family Fortunes rules are below and are perhaps more suited to Scout ages due to complexity, but you can simplify to play however you like.
Simplest version: Ask the questions like a quiz and allocate the points shown in the sheet for each answer. (One per question, per team/person.)
One YP/Leader is selected to be the host. Divide the remaining players into two teams of equal numbers. If this is an odd number one team will have an extra player.
Optional: Have 10 lines on the whiteboard, one above the other. The top one will be for the question, the others indicate where the answers go as they are revealed, from highest to lowest score. (It might be useful to number them. You could also print out the questions so they're quicker to reveal by sticking on with blue-tack.)
Keep a note of each team's scores, somewhere, as you play.
One player from each team is selected. These two players prepare themselves for the first question. The host asks the first question. (Ask Young Leader or a Player who isn't taking a turn to write it on the top line of the whiteboard - if they're tall enough!)
The two players must raise their hand or shout an agreed word (or use a buzzer/bell, if you have one) quickest to give an answer. If this answer appears amongst those on the question sheet (see attached), the host allocates the matching points. (Write it on the corresponding line from the top, on the whiteboard along with the points). If this is the top answer, the successful player consults their team to decide if they want to play or pass on the rest of this round.
If the answer given was not the top answer, the other player has the opportunity to try and give an answer worth more points. If both players fail to give an answer that scores any points, the first player has another go, then the second player and so on. Should both players fail to give a scoring answer after three attempts, a different player from each team takes their turn to compete and are given the next question by the host.
Play or Pass:
The host asks the player giving the highest answer if their team would like to play or pass. If they pass, the other team will play. The team that plays chooses another player from their team to give a different answer to the same question. If it is also a scoring answer, the host writes it in the relevant position on the board with its score as before. If the answer is not a scoring answer, the host writes a cross on that team's side of the scoreboard.
The host will continue to ask different players in turn, chosen by the team, for another answer. If the team fills in all the answers before receiving three crosses, they win the total points on the board for the round. This is written in the total score box on that team's side of the scoreboard. All players must take turns at answering. Teams cannot confer in answers but any player can say if they think they have a good answer.
If the team playing doesn't fill in all the answers before receiving three crosses, the other team can confer to try and come up with one of the answers missing from the board. If they do so they steal all the points on the board for that round (including the answer just given). If this answer also receives a cross, the first team keeps all the points scored. Points won are written in that team's box in the top corner of the board.
Play a pre-ageed amount of rounds, or for a fixed time, or until you are out of questions!
- christmas
- christmas games
- Family Fortunes
- game show
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