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Taken from Cub Scout Games (1972)


1 rope per cub
1 piece of chalk


Before the game- Draw a line at either end of the room (one marks the shore and the other the sandbank- with the sea in between)
-One Cub from each six is stranded on the sandbank and shouts for help.
-The rest of the Cubs in each Six are lined up on the shore, each carrying a rope.
-On the word "SOS" they join their ropes together with a sheet bend
-The sixer ties a bowline around himself and the other end of the rope is attached to a 'tree'- the seconder with a round turn and two half hitches.
-Before setting off on the rescue all the knots must checked be a 'lifeguard'- a leader
-The lifeguard will just say yes or no and point to the knot which is wrong
-When they are all correct the sixer swims to a sandbank and hold the hand of the stranded Cub who swims/ is pulled by the team to the shore.

Variation 1- When the Sixer gets to the sandbank they must untie the rope from themselves and tie it round the stranded Cub with a bowline. That Cub is then pulled back to shore by the team. The team then throw the rope back out to the Sixer who has to re-tie the bowline and swim/ be pulled back to shore.


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