081.C.W01.F2F - Pack a bag for camp and camp diary
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Pack a bag for camp and make a camp diary
Colouring pens/pencils
Roll mat
Sleeping bag
Bin liner
A sleeping bag for each group
Space to roll bags
Sleeping bags in stuff bags
Lots of clothes
Meal kit in a bag
Medications bag
Red herring objects
Camping bag
Attached sheet - images of kit items in 4 different colours (one per team)
Tent inspection attachment
Sixers and Leaders to bring in Kit as per Camp Kit list
Camp dairy
Colouring pens/pencils
Fold card in half like a book and decorate including the following:
Front cover
Section name
Page 1 - leave space so you can write your answers to these after camp
Something that made me laugh
Something that made me nervous
Page 2 - leave space so you can write your answers to these after camp
Something that I want to do again
Something I saw that I didn’t get to do
Page 3 - leave space so you can write your answers to these after camp
Something I didn’t like
Something I want to remember
How to lay out kit
Roll mat
Sleeping bag
Bin liner
Lay items spread out on grass or floor, ask YPs to put items into tent wherever they think the items would be best placed. After complete, go through each item and ask why this item has been placed where it is and discuss alternative placements wherever improvements can be made i.e. nothing touching tent sides, wellies inside door, etc.
Know how to lay out personal kit for inspection at camp
Tent inspection attachment
Sixers and Leaders to bring in Kit as per Camp Kit list
Ask the Sixes to arrange the Kit as if they were preparing for inspection. Award points for good work/deduct points for sloppiness. Ask Cubs to 'mark' leaders attempts...
Pack and unpack a sleeping bag
A sleeping bag for each group
Space to roll bags
Demonstrate how to unpack and pack a sleeping bag.
Split into teams of equal numbers where possible.
Number each member in the team (If teams are uneven in numbers then some team members can be given additional numbers)
Give each team a bag already packed.
On the whistle, number one in each team runs to the bag and unpacks and packs it and leaves it in original place, then tags number two in the team who repeats the task and tags the next member. When each team member has completed the task the team sit down.
First team to all complete the task wins.
Allow at least a minute per member in the team!
Time each team and repeat activity at later date to see if the time can be improved.
Ask members to get into and then out of bag if time allows.
Sleeping bags in stuff bags
Split your section into teams and set up your space with a sleeping bag out of it's stuff bag for each team at one end and the teams at the other. Once the race starts, one member of the team has to run down and begin stuffing the sleeping bag. When a leader shouts change or blows a whistle they need to stop and run back down to their team, tagging the next person so they can have a go. The team to completely put their sleeping bag away is the winner.
- Beavers will need a demonstration of what to do beforehand and maybe adult help during the race.
- Cubs could work in pairs, one holding the bag whilst the other stuffs.
- Scouts could practise with smaller expedition sized bags that need precision packing and compression.
- Explorer teams could have enough bags for a whole tent
Packing a bag
Pack a camp bag choosing from a bunch of clothes and equipment then give the scouts a scenario camp they then need to choose from stuff there what they really need.
Add stuff like mobile phone chargers and other things that are not useful for red herrings.
Lots of clothes
Meal kit in a bag
Medications bag
Red herring objects
Camping bag
Scouts given big pile of things to choose from given scenario i.e. cold winter camp
Then choose from what's offered to pack for that camp and put into bag
I Packed my Bag Memory Game
Best played in a circle around a campfire. This encourages the participation of everyone.
Quick game which encourages cubs to listen to others and work together to remember a list of items in order.
In the traditional version of the game, one person says "I packed my bag and in it I put...", and names any object. The next person then says "I packed my bag and in it I put...", followed by the original suggestion, and adding their own. The game continues with more objects being added, and a player is disqualified if they forget one of the previously occurring items or can not think of a new item to add to the bag. The game continues until all but the winner has been disqualified.
A typical list after five turns might be something like: "I packed my bag and in it I put a book, a toothbrush, a towel, my pet mouse Herman and a bar of chocolate.
A common variation of the game is that the items listed must be in alphabetical order, so the first person would need to choose an object beginning with A, the second person's object would begin with B, and so on. Alternatively, objects can be named in any alphabetical order, but without repeating an earlier starting letter.
Other variations:
"I packed my bag for camp and in it I put....." Listing camp theme responses
"I went to the zoo and saw..." listing Animal/Zoo themed responses
"I went trick or treating and with me I took....." listing Halloween themed items
Kit bag memory relay
Memory game to cover what is required when packing a bag for camp.
Attached sheet - images of kit items in 4 different colours (one per team).
Pictures on the attached resource sheet are cut out and placed face down in the middle of the play area (mixed up).
Cubs from each team go to the middle, one at a time, and turn over a card.
If the card has their team colour, they can collect it and take it back to their corner....if not, they turn it back over and go empty-handed.
Keep going until all cards have been collected.
- pack a bag
Badge Links
- Adventure - Preparation
- Skills - Creative